1st Drive in the Rain

It rained in Tucson today, so I took the van out to see if the doors leaked

I found a flooded street and raced back and forth splashing as much water as I could, then checked out the van, it was still dry inside

No leaks !20160610_181611


Transmission Saga

The trans fluid was very low when I picked up the van

20160503_105104We filled it and it drove well for a hundred miles or so, then a noise started

As I was working on the emissions & tune up, I ignored the other noises.. until the van lost all power

At times I could press down on the gas, and the engine would rev up, but the van wouldnt move at all..

20160511_135027With the help of friends, we determined it was simply low on fluid. So after a filter change, gasket replacement and refill, the van was running strong again, with a small leak that will still need to be addressed

Eventually I was through emissions, and had the AZ license plate. All the work on the transmission left me knowing more about , and adding it to the short list of things to repair when more funds are available


Arizona license plate styles

Some of the plates I have been considering

Our standard plate, and what I have now

Go with my HAM call sign?

My favorite by far, always wanted one of these,
but can’t personalize it..

This looks kinda cool

This one looks cool, and money goes to FFA

As an Eagle, I should concider this one,
but not sure if I want the logo on my van all the time

Another of my favorites, funds go to state food banks


Tune Up & Six Emissions Tests

The first emissions test, it failed everything but the gas tank cap

So.. new spark plugs, spark plug wires, rotor, ICM module20160509_124641

Then back for another test (test #2)

Passed all but the Idle HC.
High Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions

This time I changed out the oil filter, changed the oil, and coolant. Looked for Vacuum hose leaks


Took it back for test #3 and failed just the idle HC again, but with a ‘better’ number, so I adjusted the idle (on the carb) in the parking lot, and tested again.. but failed a 4th time


By now the crew at the Tucson Eastside Emissions testing station were getting to know me and the van, lol
And I was getting better at finishing the test efficiently

I decided to get some expert help, and arranged a meeting with a mobile mechanic. He helped diagnose what might be wrong based on the test results and the steps I had already taken to tune up the van.

The mechanic showed me how to tune the idle mixture correctly and what tool to use.. off to the emissions again (5th time).. and it failed, but the Idle HC number was MUCH closer to passing now


I changed the fuel filter, tuned the idle mixture again and used a fuel additive to help clean out some carbon

the 6th time it passed !!

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