Mileage 207,729.5


Mileage 207,729.5

270 miles
10.84 mpg

24.89 gal
$2.09 per

Went up to top of Mt Lemmon, a few long trips across town, then short runs

Tour “Pit Crew” PVC Patch

Sold Out – Gun Show Loophole Pit Crew PVC Patch


Drove up Mt. Lemmon

Drove the van up Mt. Lemmon as a test run, and the van did pretty well20160701_164304

It take about an hour from the driveway to the top of the Mountain20160701_173306

20160701_181133Starting at about 2,500 ft of altitude and the top part (accessable by road) is 8,000+

The van can only get to about 35 mph going up hill

Once at the top, it had a few hesitations and it stalled at a stop sign, but no other issues

What do you think could be causing it to stall?


Brakes worked fine on the way down



$1,986 spent on van (to date)

So,  been recording every single dime spent on the van, and tonight the grand total for every drip of gasoline, piece of carpet, tires off C-list or screw for the battery $1,986 !!

Kinda cool since it is an ’86 van !

Some of this was cash, some is still on credit cards.. but the total spent so far is $1,986

It is running strong, jumps the cop car every few weeks, and has been a solid daily driver.

Looking forward to many miles with it
