sweet G30 Chevy in the wild

Saw this sweet G30 Chevy in the wild today… The owner was watching, so I couldn’t do much more than grab a quick pic… Nice to walk past one without weeds growing all out from under it tho



Ford Transit 150

Waiting at the border patrol checkpoint (going up-hill) and checking out this Ford Transit 150

I’ve seen some videos of people who stealth camp these and there is plenty of room

A ladder rack would really make this blend into the background, no?


Van from Space !

I found this photo from a satellite view of the School Maintenance yard where the van sat for years.

The van is the 4th from the left in that front row of white vehicles

Van School

I had intended to bid on the one to the right of it (east) in this photo, the one with the roof ladder-rack. But it was in much worse shape, and had imediate issues to deal with like a busted muffler, and destroyed front seats. The partition had no door, so that was a no-go for me. plus it was just a 3/4 ton..